Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Getting Closer

Oh my! dosnt time go fast.........its nearly Christmas........well its getting closer anyway.

I spoke to Santa the other day, he says he has things organised, well you cant leave these thing to chance when you have two kids in the house. I had a nightmare the other day, it was xmas eve and no one told me. No one had spoken to Santa so nothing was organised, it frightened me so much I woke up in a cold sweat and sat bolt upright very traumatised I had missed christmas. What sort of mother am I? It took me about 20 seconds worth of muddled thoughts to work out what day it really was and that I hadnt missed christmas at all. WHAT A RELIEF!!!!

Having said all that, Im still mystified as to what I should be organising for the rest of the family though. I have two nieces totally sorted, one niece half sorted and one nephew half sorted but that still leaves me with a mere 2000 presents short of a full christmas. It sounds terrible but I think it comes down to giving money, the bigger kids always appreciate that but it just sounds lousy when you have no presents. You have twelve months to think about it and you still leave it till the last minute, that takes the cake dosnt it!

On a totally different note, the ginger ninja seems to be teething at the moment, looks like three or four are on the way out all at the same time. certainly isnt sleeping as well as usual and the temper is that of a true ginger child. Of course being 17 months old also makes him want to be very independent and wont accept any help from anyone which makes for some very interesting tantrums. He is a beautifull boy but is as stubborn as his father, his father is also the most beautifull person I know except for his stubborn streak he is almost perfect.

My greatest hope is that Esther dosnt have the same stubborn streak, she seems very interested in me when Im sewing so hopefully she will have a lovely temper just like her mother. When she wakes up in the morning she seems very glad to see me and cant hold back the smiles, its really lovely to see.  Not that Bob isnt glad to see me in the mornings but Im just his way of getting out of bed so he can go and do more ninjaring.

Its now been three or four days since I started this post, as a mum you just dont get the time to finish anything when you want to. Anyway I had a little bit more inspiration of what to get for a few people for xmas so thats always a good thing. Jensen is now totally sorted so thats a relief, its more important for the little kids to have something exciting they really like or want because thats what christmas is all about.
Our local christmas parade is on this weekend so Im very excited about that because then Im free to put up the christmas tree. Actually Im a bit distressed about the tree this year as I have some beautifull decorations and some are very fragile and I know as soon as the tree goes up the Ninja will be doing his thing......Ninjaring and so I fear for the lives of my pretty decorations. Of course this christmas also means I have to decorate two new baubles for Esther, one for our tree and one for Nannies tree. We all have our names on a decoration and at Nannies house there are enough people in the whole extended family to have nothing but name baubles on the tree, it actually looks really nice because all the baubles are the same except for the names and the styles of decoration but I think Esther will be the last addition for a while. Anyway lets see what happens after the christmas parade which I hope Bob enjoys, he slept through it last year as it just wasnt his thing but this year is a whole different ball game. CHRISTMAS........BRING IT ON!

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